Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Part 13.

Lindsi woke up 2 hours later. Trevor was sitting on the other side of where he was when she when to sleep. "Hey pretty girl." "Hi" Lindsi said hoarsely. Trevor came and wrapped Lindsi up in his arms. "Your mom told me about your story in your blog. About a guy named Trevor." Lindsi smiled. "Yea, That was my fairytale." Trevor lifted Lindsi's chin and stroked her cheek softly. " I read it. Now you asked me if GOD put us together. If that is not a sign that he did then I don't know what is." Trevor kissed Lindsi then. Lindsi tried to pull away but Trevor wasn't having it. That kiss said so much without saying anything. after the kiss was over, Lindsi said "You are going to get sick now! GERMS YOU KNOW!" "Baby, I could care less about the germs, your my baby girl, we share germs." Lindsi smiled and settled back down on the couch with Trevor. They watched Golden Girls and he played with her hair, they talked about her blog story, and Trevor made her soup. This was one of the times Lindsi didn't mind being sick. She loved Trevors company. Around 4 o clock Lindsi's dad came home. "Who's truck is blocking the driveway?! He said gruffly.  "Mine sir." Trevor said from the couch. "Trevor. Go move your truck. What are you doing on the couch with my daughter?" About that time Lindsi's mom cut in. "Lindsi woke up sick this morning and came home from college, and Trevor noticed how bad she looked and followed her here to look after her." "Does he not think you are capable of taking care of her or something?" "Dad..." Lindsi said from the couch. Lindsi's fathers' face softened at the sound of her hoarse voice. "My poor baby girl!" "Trevor bought me all this." She gestured to the tissues, medicine, and all that was in the Wal-Mart bags. "He is a good man dad..." "Oh sweetheart I know he probably  is." Lindsi's dad said as he bent to kiss her forehead. About that time Trevor came in from moving his truck. "Sorry about that Mr. Chadwick. I've been watching over Lindsi all day." "So I've heard." Lindsi father said. "Just park your truck over to the side of the driveway next time son." Lindsi's dad continued as he clapped a hand on  Trevor's shoulder. "Will do sir." "Trevor are you staying for dinner?" Lindsi's mom asked. " No ma'am. But I would like to stay a while longer. If that's alright with you and Mr. Chadwick." "Fine with me." Said Lindsi's mom. "I guess that'd be alright." said Lindsi's dad as he walked to the bathroom. Once he was out of earshot Lindsi looked at Trevor who had sat back down with her on the couch. "I'm sorry.. He can be kind of gruff when he gets off work. Unless its Thursday, then his week is over." Lindsi said. "Trevor would you help me move Lindz back to her bedroom please?" "Yes ma'am." Trevor picked Lindsi up before she knew what was going on. "That's not exactly what I meant!" said Lindsi mom laughing as she picked up the tissues and Lindsi half empty bottle of Gatorade. "Her room is the last room on the left." She said as Trevor started down the hall. Once their He set Lindsi down on her bed and pulled her covers back. "There you are baby." Trevor said as Lindsi crawled under the covers. Trevor then pulled up the desk chair Lindsi had in the corner of her room and sat down next to the bed. Lindsi mom came in and set her Gatorade down on her T.V. tray, along with tissues. "Trevor I thank you for watching over her today. It was sweet of you to do that." "Anytime Mrs. Chadwick I doubt I did as good as you though." Trevor said smiling and taking Lindsi's hand. Lindsi's mom smiled. "Well I'm going out here to fix supper, holler if you need something." "Will do." Trevor said. After Lindsi's mom had gone, Lindsi spoke up. "Thank you for today Trevor. It was wonderful. I actually didn't mind being sick so much." "Your welcome Lindz." Trevor said as he kissed Lindsi's forehead and stroked her hair. Trevor stayed and watched over Lindsi for about 15 more minutes. "I'm going to go babe." Trevor said as Lindsi started to drift off again. "I don't want you too!" Lindsi said sulking. Trevor smiled and laughed. "I don't want to go either babe, but I can't spend the night." "I know..." Lindsi said sadly. "Chin up babe. I'll be back tomorrow at 1." "YOU WILL!?" Lindsi said perking up again. "Yes! I cleared it with your mom already and she said it was fine. My classes end at 11:30." "OH BOY!" Lindsi said like a kid that just got a new toy on Christmas day. "Now, You rest. Drink this. ALL OF IT. And eat dinner. and rest. I'll text you as soon as I get home until I pass out." Lindsi smiled and her eyes started to water. "Baby! are you crying? I'll be back!" Trevor said as he hugged Lindsi close. "Not that baby. You are just so amazing. I am so lucky to have you." Lindsi said through tears and congestion. "I'm lucky to have you too baby. I'm glad your mine." Trevor kissed Lindsi again. "Goodbye sweetheart." Lindsi said as she leaned her head again Trevors. "Bye baby."  Trevor then stood, put the computer chair back and walked out of the room. Lindsi heard Trevor say his goodbyes to her mom and dad and then the door shut behind him. Lindsi laid her head on her pillow and sighed. She was sick alright. Lovesick. Head over Heels for sure.

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