Monday, September 2, 2013

Food for thought.

It had been three months. Three months of college. She was smarter, still no friends (her age at least), and she was in better shape (thank you Yoga). She was lounging on one of the couches in The Hub, reading her philosophy book. Her hair was longer and curly, loosely hanging around her shoulders, and she was in dark wash denim jeans and a white shirt with a brown scarf. (November weather). A guy comes in and notices her. She gives him a look that says: "Don't even think about it buddy, I'm busy." She wasn't always like that. She just decided to not be so easy and soft anymore, because when she was, they used and abused her. Besides, she was leaving it to GOD. He sat in a chair in the corner and opened his own book. She stole little glances at him every now and then. Sandy brown/blonde hair, green eyes, red and black plaid shirt with white undershirt, and faded, worn jeans. "Hmm, not bad.." she thought to herself. "What the heck is wrong with you!?! Back to your book missy!" She scolded herself. She turned her attention back to her ethics book. She was reading about the importance of morals when she heard him say: "You like that book?" She turned to him slightly annoyed. " Yes. I find it interesting! Thank you." She turned back to her book. "Hmm. To each is own I suppose." He retorted. She was silent for a while, as was he. His cell phone began to ring and he snatched it up out of his pocket. "Redneck Crazy" by Tyler Farr started playing. Her head turned so quickly she almost gave herself whiplash. He answered the call. " Hey man! No, just doing a little reading. Yes. I read." He laughed then, a hearty, full laugh. If she was a dog her ears would have perked up then. It was a cute laugh. Not sissified, not lumberjack. Good and wholesome. "Yea, I'll text you later, there is someone else here who I don't think takes to kindly to others interrupting her. Yes. A Her. I don't know. Okay. Later man." "Sorry one of my buds." He says as he slides his phone back into his pocket.  "It's okay" she says as she turns a page "Umm.. nice ringtone.." She said offhandedly. "Oh! Thanks. It's a favorite of mine!" She smirks and places the book on her knee. "Mine too!" "Really now! Well what do you know!" He laughs again. She smiles at that laugh. "Yea, I've loved that song since I first hear it!" He nods. "Me too! I crank my stereo UP when it comes on the radio." She nods in agreement. "Oh, Gosh! Where are the southern manners my momma taught me! She'd slap me if she was here! 'Specially in the presence of such a beautiful woman!" She purses her lips together but eventually gives up and smiles. "I'm Trevor." He says extending his hand. "Lindsi" She says in return, shaking his hand. "Rough hands.. firm grip" she thinks to herself. "Nice to meet you, Lindsi" "Likewise to you Trevor." She leans back against the couch as he gets this cheesy look on his face. He has one eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face and says: "So, You come here often?" She smirks back and says: : Nope, just dropped in from Jupiter. My ships parked out front." "YOU are the one that is taking up 6 parking places huh? Shame on you! They will ticket you for that you know!" She cracks a smile and says: "Eh, I'll be okay. I just hope they take Jupitarian dollars." "I don't think that'll work....." He says. "She laughs at this. "Then I better board the mother ship before I get ticketed!" "Damn!" He mumbles. "What? I gotta be home in time for dinner!" She says still smiling. " I had a feeling you were from another planet.. cause your looking outta this world!" He gets that same goofy look on his face. She laughs out loud this time. "Okay, so that was bad. Really, Really bad." "But it made you laugh"  "That it did that it did!" She begins to gather her things. "So you were SERIOUS about boarding the mother ship!?" He stands as she finishes closing her bag. "Okay, So I'm not an alien, I'm not from Jupiter, and I'm only occupying one parking spot. You got me!" He chuckles as she slings her bag over her shoulder. "Would you be brave enough to view and help me find my mothership?" She does the star wars/ trek fingers. "I do come in peace" "I would love too." He says as they exit out into the chilly day.

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