Sunday, September 29, 2013

Part 4.

Lindsi's phone buzzed right as she was about to pick up her things and head to Speech. "Meet up after class?" Trevor texted. "Sure! I get out at 12:20, where we meeting?" Lindsi gathered her things while she waited for his response. "Meet me in from of the Student Center" "Okay see you there!" Lindsi sat anxiously awaiting the speech class to be over. 12:20 finally rolled around and she practically ran out of the classroom. She walked a little ways to the Student Center and there, sitting on the brick, was Trevor. He turned, stood and smiled when he saw Lindsi coming. "How was class?" He said as he opened his arms for a hug. Lindsi hugged him and said: "Grueling. I detest speech." Trevor laughed and said: "Was that your last class of the day?" "Yes. Thank goodness!" Lindsi said as they released the hug. "Do you wanna go for some coffee? It's kinda chilly out." "I'd love that, but I'm broke." Lindsi said laughing. "I'll pay." Trevor proceeded. "I CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT!" Lindsi protested. "I insist! Now hush." Lindsi curled her lips under as Trevor told her this. "Come on! My trucks right here." They walked to his truck. On their way to Starbucks, Trevor was playing 102.5 and Redneck Crazy came on. The two exchanged looks and sang at the top of their lungs. They harmonized well. after the song was over, Lindsi say: "You are the first guy that's ever wanted to sing with me out loud and proud!" "Really? The others musta been chicken shits!" Lindsi laughed out loud. "I reckon they were!" Trevor laughed and turned into the Starbucks parking lot. After they got inside and ordered their drinks and they were standing around waiting for them Trevor turned to Lindsi and said "You know, truth be known... your the first girl I've ever really clicked with.. and your also the most unique girl I've ever met. But I like it."  "Well thank you sir. Same to you." Lindsi said with a big smile. "and You have one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen." Lindsi couldn't help but blush at this. "$5,000 dollars worth..." Lindsi stammered as the Starbucks lady called her name to go get her drink then called Trevor's. Lindsi picked them both up and turned to walk back to the table and bumped into Trevor. "Oh! I.. I'm sorry.." Lindsi said as Trevor caught her around the side with one arm and took his drink with the other. "It's fine.." Trevor said as he looked down into Lindsi's eyes. Lindsi smiled as he released her and they walked back to the table. The chatted over their coffee and when it was time to go Trevor stopped Lindsi by grabbing her shoulder and slightly spinning her around. "Lindsi. I can't take this anymore. You are the most beautiful, unique, funny, amazing girl I've ever had the privilege of meeting. I can't focus on anything without your face popping into my head. Your wonderful." "Trevor I... I don't know what to say...." "You don't have to say anything Lindsi. Just stand very.. very.. still." Lindsi was. Trevor neared her lips.. He planted his lips on hers gently. He gently placed a hand on her face and with the other he held her hand in his. After the kiss was over Trevor lifted Lindsi's face to look at him. "Lindsi. Will You be my girlfriend?"

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