Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Part 2. (Continuing from last post.)

As they neared her car Lindsi smiled and said: "There it is! The grand mothership!" Trevor laughed and said: "Ah! Looks like it gets good gas mileage!" "Yea, it does!" Lindsi said as she patted the hood of her blue Hyundai and dug around in her purse for her keys. When she finally found her keys she clicked the unlock button on her automatic key ring. She opened the back door as Trevor huddled closer to the car to block the slight wind that was blowing that day. She threw her bag in the back and shut the door, and turned to get into the front when she noticed Trevor huddled close to the car, arms shoved into his coat pockets. "Oh, my goodness! I'm sorry your standing out here in the freezing weather on account on me! I feel really bad now!" "Eh it's fine! Don't worry about it, and don't apologize! I told you I'd walk you to your car and I am a man of my word!" "Well thank you for freezing and keeping your word, ye kind and noble gentleman!" Lindsi said as she opened the drivers side door and stood behind it. Trevor chuckled and said: "Ye are welcome, ye fine maiden!" Lindsi laughed and ducked inside her car and shut the door, smiling one last time at Trevor before buckling up and backing out. He smiled back and did a small wave as he watched her til all he saw was her taillights. When Lindsi reached the first red light after pulling away from the college she thought to herself. "I may never see Trevor again.. it was nice while it lasted though." The light then turned green and she drove home thinking about philosophy and the cold weather.

Two weeks passed and Lindsi was an hour early to her yoga class, because her Ethics teacher was out of town so she didn't have to attend that class. She had been wanting to explore the gym, other than the yoga room, and she did have an hour to kill. She was feeling like she wanted to try out the elliptical, and those, she believed, were on the top floor. So she mounted the steps in search of the stationary bike. When she got to the top floor she noticed she was the only one there. "Good! I don't have to be eyeballed by creepy old guys, or young, dumb college prevs." She thought to herself as she chose a machine toward the middle of the upper deck. She was busily pedaling away when out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure she didn't pay much mind to it, she was in the peak of her workout. "Lindsi?" She slowed down and turned her head toward her name only to see Trevor standing 2 feet away. "Oh! Hey! Good Lord! I.." She grabbed her towel from her bag on the floor as she dismounted off the bike. She began to wipe the sweat off of her face and chest as Trevor set his stuff down. "Are you stalking me? How'd you know I'd be here today...?" Trevor said trying to hide a sly smile. "I Would never do that!" Lindsi said as she took a long drink from her water bottle. "Oh By the way! Your new furniture looks great from the yard." She smiled again as she took another drink. Trevor chuckled that adorable chuckle of his, and mounted one of the bikes. "So where you done? Where you stopping on account of me interrupting you?" Lindsi looked at her cell, it was 1:30, she did have another good 15 minutes before she had to be downstairs for yoga. "I actually have a class at 2 downstairs." She said sit back on the bike she was just on and pedaling slowly. "Oh? What's that?" Trevor asked curiously. "Yoga. The only reason I'm here is because my 12:30 philosophy class cancelled, and I've been wanting to get up here!"  "Ah! I see! So you are an avid workout person?" Trevor asked pedaling too. "Well, I do love to workout, but at the beginning of the semester I was TOTALLY out of shape, I'm slightly better now." Lindsi said staring down at her tummy. "I come up here when I have the time, But I like to workout as well, it's a good stress reliever." Trevor said staring at Lindsi across the way. "Yea, yoga is pretty good at relieving stress but it can be a BIG workout too!" Trevor nodded in agreement. "You look pretty stress free to me." "Yea, But that's from not procrastinating on homework (too much), a regimen of facial cleansers, and GOD." Lindsi said with a shy smile. "Yea? It helps to have a go getter attitude and the Man Upstairs to help you." This caught Lindsi off guard. "You believe!?" Lindsi said excitedly. "Of course I do! Goodness! I wouldn't be anywhere without the Lord!" Trevor said enthusiastically. "Good.. Great, to know. Oh! My class starts in 10 minutes! Dang you Trevor... making me almost late!" Lindsi said as she hopped off the bike and slung her bag over her shoulder. Trevor held his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry. Please don't take me to your base on Jupiter and suck my brains out through a straw!" She swatted him playfully on her way past him to the stairs. He was muscled up.  "I'll never live that Jupiter thing down will I?" She asked as she was about to descend. "Maybe, but not today." Trevor smiled. Lindsi smiled back and said, "Oh! For the Record. I was here first, so if anything you stalked me." "Dang. Witty.Smart.AND pretty." Lindsi rolled her eyes and waved as she descended the stairs. "Bye Trevor!" She called over her shoulder. "THAT WAS A COMPLIMENT!" She heard him yell. "I know," she said to herself as she opened the door to her yoga class.  "Believe me I know."

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