Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Just Can't Take My Eyes Off You.

She wakes, wrapped up in the blanket, and his arms. She laughs silently, as she looks to her left and sees him. Asleep. It was weird waking up before him. It is usually the guy that watches the girl sleep. She was very thankful she was awake before him now. She flashes back to a picture her mom took of her asleep one Christmas morning. "Eck." She thinks. She looks down at his arms wrapped around her bare torso, and begins to wiggle out of them. As soon as she is almost out, they tighten back around her and pull her to him closely. "Ah, ah, ah ma'am!" "How long have you been awake?" "Just where do you think you are going?" She snuggles closer to him. He was warm. "Nowhere now." "That's what I thought." She smirks. "I could get up if I wanted to." "Try. I dare you." He tells her. "Okay." She lifts to get up but his arms are locked too tight around her. He pulls her on top of him and locks his arm around her. "Looks like your caught." She smiles and kisses him. "How unfortunate for me."

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