Monday, April 29, 2013

Back to You

She walks into the classroom, nervous as any freshman there. She finds a seat in the middle toward  the front. She slides into the seat and takes a deep breath, not sure what to expect. She looks down at her outfit. Dark jeans with a tank and jean jacket. Hair curly hanging in her face. She pulls out a pencil and drums the desk with it. A slender figure approachs her, "This seat taken?" She looks up at a guy (no doubt a frat boy trying to put the move on her) "Yes, my imaginary friend Krystal is sitting there!" She cracks a smile. "Oh! No! I.. Hope i didn't offend her!" He smiles back. "She just moved. Your in luck now! Take a seat." He sits. He smells good. And he's not bad on the eyes. Her brain snaps her back into reality when the door slams and the teacher walks in. Her and mystery boy exchange glances. Class begins. The teacher goes over rules, and passes out books. Gives them their first assignment. Wow, she thought. People who told you college wasn't anything like high school where definately right. Class gets dismissed. Mystery boy, stand as she gathers her notebook and books into her bag. "I didn't catch your name..." He said extending his hand. "Lindsi." She said taking his hand. "Well, pleasure to meet you Lindsi, I'm Collen." They shake and walk out of class together. "Umm.. I hope I'm not being to forward but do you want to grab something to eat.. maybe?" She smiled. "Sure. Lead the way."

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