Thursday, August 4, 2016


Hello all my fellow followers! I hope that you are having a fantastic summer! I know I have been very absent on here but life as a full time college student can get a little crazy. BUT! I have decided to start filming and uploading to YouTube again and blogging! I also write for a blog called! You should check them out as well! So I bought a planner for my social media and my schedule for blogging is going to be every Thursday and Sunday. I don't have an exact time when a blog will be up but I just know that these are the days I have planned! over on my YouTube channel I just uploaded a video today so be sure and pop over there and check that out! I am going to be uploading over there every Wednesday and Saturday! I will be starting a Back To School series over there as well as planner related things! I am going to blog on here on Thursdays and kind of just let you guys know how things are going and if there is anything cool going on over on my YouTube channel. I will also update you when I am writing another article for society19! This first post is just kind of an update on my new schedule and my plans for the future of this blog! So I thank you guys for reading and I've missed you all so much! Thanks!