Saturday, January 9, 2016

Happy Weekend Guys!

Hello fellow bloggers and vloggers of the world! I hope you guys had a fantastic Friday and a super Saturday! (See what I did there?) I have so far had an EXAUSTING weekend! My room is back to normal though and super beautiful! I'm very pleased with the results! So if you are interested one of my goals for 2016 is to eat healthy! So I went out and bought tons of organic and amazing foods! I will do a video on what I picked up and I will start doing some cooking videos! If you have any recipes that use almond milk or  avocado then please comment below! That's all for now lovelies! I will see you cats on flip flop laterrrrrr! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Making Some Changes!

Hello to all new and old followers of my blog! As you can see I have made some changes to my blog. It needed some revamping for the new year! I hope you all enjoy the new look and the posts! I will try to post at least 2 times a week if not daily! Be sure and check out my YouTube channel, southernsweettea. I apologize for not posting in forever and a day. Life has been a little busy. I graduated college, I am redoing my bedroom, preparing for my second semester of my Bachelors' degree, making time for family and my loved ones, and trying to self improve. So as you can see time is a little crunched right now! But I wanted to begin blogging again so here I am! Until next post my dears! -L.