Thursday, August 16, 2012


Iwant to share with you a short poem. I got it out of a book:)

My Best Feature by Sara Nachtman

I asked my friend this afternoon,
As I gazed into my reflection,
What she thought of what I saw,
She said, "Images are usually misconceptions."
I started to put down my appearance,
Wishing I was thinner or taller,
She looked at me with understanding eyes,
Saying, "Superficial wishes onll make you smaller."
I knew she was right, but who was she to talk,
For she was every guy's dream.
I tried to point this out to her,
She replied "Appearances aren't always what they seem."
"Tell me 5 features you admire in yourself," she said,
And I knew my troubles had just begun,
For I could see the hurt in her expression,
When I couldn't even think of one.
I could not think of a single feature I liked,
And I could feel my stomach slowly start to sink.
So I turned to my friend and simply said,
"Well, what do you think?"
"I think your looking at in all wrong," She said
"And I wish I could make it clearer.
It's what's inside that makes you beautiful,
And not what can be seen in the mirror."
She said, "Your the most loving person I know,
And I hate to watch you fall apart.
If you want to know what makes you beautiful to me,
You best feature is your heart."